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CXIO Foundation

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The purpose of this foundation is to create a community of professionals from different medical and non-professional fields, in order to promote the sharing and the integration of knowledge. The CXIO foundation provides access to quality medical information within a structure recognized as public interest.

Their vision also includes new medical technologies, as well as emerging therapies documented by research.

The CXIO Foundation is a Swiss non-profit entity recognized as public interest.

The members of the Foundation Board exercise their mandate on a voluntary basis.

The CXIO Foundation has no religious or political character. 

It respects fundamental human rights and does not practice discrimination.

Doctors  without limits 

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 the association ?

Médecins Sans Frontières is a private association with an international vocation. The association brings together doctors, members of the health professions and other non-medical professions useful/essential to its mission such as logisticians, administrators, financial controllers, human resources managers, or supply specialists. All subscribe on honor to its principles.

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Pain pour le prochain, Action de Carême et Être partenaires have the firm conviction that a more just world is possible. Wherever they see injustice, they act together. At the moment, through more than 800 projects, they enable hundreds of thousands of people to live an independent life. 

They are committed in the North and in the South to a transition towards new agricultural and economic models. These models promote cooperation between people and respect for natural resources. Through their awareness-raising work and hopeful alternatives, they motivate people to become actors of the necessary change.

They support and accompany projects with the aim of improving the social and economic conditions of disadvantaged people in the poorest countries. Their projects promote the principle: help to help oneself, which is why they focus on the areas of nutrition, health, and education.

Mejores Seres Humanos Foundation
(Better human beings)

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The main object of this foundation is scientific research on the integral growth of the human being as a unique individual and as a partner, with emphasis on the social and economic field. They invest in the development of technology aimed at the application of the process of integral improvement of the human being.


They have various programs:


-The listening centers where they train and prepare people who are going through an unmanageable situation in their life.  

- CECI - Anger Management Listening Centers - which aims to teach anger management to men who want to learn to control their emotions.

-Schools of life - a project that offers support and that takes an integrative look at the family, in educational settings.

ARFEC - Association Romande des Familles d’Enfants atteints d’un Cancer

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Cette Merveilleuse association basée sur l’entraide a pour but de soutenir et d’accompagner les familles d’enfants atteints d’un cancer pendant et après les traitements. En 1987, une poignée de parents décidaient de se regrouper pour combattre ensemble la maladie de leur enfant, échanger leurs expériences et se soutenir face aux épreuves. 

C’est ainsi qu’en 1987, notre association voyait le jour, avec le soutien actif et dynamique du Dr Daniel Beck, alors chef du Service d’hémato-oncologie pédiatrique du CHUV. Très vite, l’ARFEC a pris de l’ampleur afin d’offrir les mêmes soutiens aux familles de tous les cantons romands.

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